Saturday, October 20, 2012

Working full time, staying at home, and everything in between

Personally, I think Gen X and Gen Y moms have a unique set of factors influencing their decisions to work or stay at home with their kids. Many of our grandmothers didn't work, but many of our mothers did--not just because they had to to make ends meet, but because they wanted to. Women weren't limited to being teachers or secretaries anymore; they could be whatever they wanted, so they did, and boy have we kicked ass out there.

But the sagging economy and the modern societal expectation that women should work outside of the home have made it difficult for many women who want to stay at home with their children to do so.

Now, don't get me wrong--I wouldn't go back in time and reverse the women's movement that fueled said ass kicking. I'd be pretty pissed if I was expected to stay at home to stitch samplers and make preserves. Women fought to be equals in the workforce, and now we are (for the most part, anyway). The problem is that as we have taken on more responsibility in the workplace, our home responsibilities haven't decreased, and there just isn't enough time or energy for all of it.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

What to do with all that poo: The trilogy

Now that I've been at this cloth diapering thing for almost 15 months, I've had a chance to give various products a good wringing through the washer, so to speak. I haven't tried them once or twice--I've really put them to the test with everything from "Did he really drink three cups of water today?" pees to "He just ate an entire pear!" poops. We've been through all four seasons and have grown from newborn to 18 month clothes, so we have a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn't.