Monday, April 15, 2013

6 Slow Cooker Recipes for the Busy Mom

My slow cooker has been working double time. I've been using it at least three times a week, trying different recipes. I don't want to sound like I'm the first person who has ever used a slow cooker, but seriously, this thing is changing my life. I spend 10 to 20 minutes prepping dinner when my toddler goes down for his nap, and then I have the rest of the afternoon free. No more spending the later half of the afternoon stressing over what to make and trying to throw it together. It's dinner for lazy people, and I LOVE it.

Now, before I share the results of my experiment with you, I just want to make a couple of things clear. 1) I am not a foodie, nor do I pretend to be. Rather, I consider myself a reluctant (sometimes begrudging) chef who is simply trying to make dinner work for our family. I have a tumultuous relationship with food, and I married someone who couldn't care less about food--so we're kind of stuck with whatever I come up with.  2) I'm not one for taking pictures of my food. You've seen food before. Use your imagination.